Twitter Followers App

Twitter Followers App


The objective of InfoSec Affairs Twitter  Followers application is to manage your twitter followers around the globe. This application will enable you to segregate the followers countrywide, gives you power to delete your followers in a one go/ one by one as per your convenience. This also provides the supervision of blocking of a particular profile or blocking of country wise users.
This application allows the user to manage their Twitter account and their followers. As Twitter doesn’t provide a provision of deleting follower’s country wise. Let’s take a scenario; this application enables you to see the follower’s country wise. Like if you are having 1000 followers in which 800 are from India, 100 are from Turkey and remaining 100 are from USA. Then the user can delete, block the follower’s country wise in a one go.
In this app we have integrated the API of Twitter to accomplish this application. This application is made on Java that made this application portable.

Key Generation:

To generate the follower application of the specific user we need consumer key, consumer secret, access token and access token secret of his account. To get these keys we have to follow the following steps.
Step one: Go to after sign in from your twitter account. Then click on my applications as shown in image below.
Step two: Click on create a new application.
Step three: Fill the necessary details for the application like name and description. In website you can give the link of your website if you don’t have website then you can just give link of your twitter account.
After filling all the details click on create your twitter application button.
Step four: Go on the settings tab and fill the information.
You can choose your own icon for the application by simply choose your icon file. On Application type check on Read, Write and Access direct message radio button. After changes in the application settings click on update this twitter application’s setting button.
Step five: Go on the details tab and we got the desired keys for our application.



Followers app contains several components in it.

Country component: It shows the list of all the countries in which twitter followers of a particular account present worldwide.

Function component: it is the main building block of the application. It gives you power to delete your followers in a one go/ one by one as per your convenience. This also provides the supervision of blocking of a particular profile or blocking of country wise users.
Info component: It gives the information about the followers profile and twitter pages.


Below are some screenshots of the follower’s application.


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