Operating System fingerprinting is the process of learning what operating system is running on a particular device.By analyzing certain protocol flags, options, and data in the packets a device sends onto the network, we can make relatively accurate guesses about the OS
that sent those packets.By pinpointing the exact OS of a host, an attacker can launch a precise attack against a target machine. In a world of buffer overflows, knowing the exact
flavour of an OS and architecture could be all the opportunity an attacker needs
Why OS Fingerprinting?
Learning remote OS versions can be an extremely valuable network reconnaissance tool, since many security holes are dependent on OS version. As long as
this information is not revealed, the attacker is limited in the variety of attacks and exploits. Therefore the focus on initial information gathering is
finding out the operating system.
For example without OS fingerprinting a attacker is unable to know whether the target have IIS server or apache server and it’s pointless to try IIS
exploits on an Apache server.
TCP and ICMP fingerprinting
OS scanning works with the TCP/IP suite of protocols. TCP/IP is the protocol that the internet relies heavily on. All the communication on the internet is
done using this protocol suite. This makes it very much necessary for an operating system to implement it, for communication with other machines
flawlessly. IP is used to assign logical address to machines on the network, and TCP is used to transfer IP packets in an acknowledged fashion. These flags
are essential for OS fingerprinting since each operating system reacts differently to normal and special crafted TCP packets sent to its network stack.
TTL (Time to live) is a value set by the computer or the device that sends an IP packet, every router that comes in between the packet and its destination
will reduce the value by 1. So if a packet has travelled too long, overcoming too many hops (router machine's in between), and the TTL value becomes zero
(because it got reduced by 1 at all hops in between), then that packet is discarded.
Another protocol often used in fingerprinting is the Internet Control Message Protocol. Most traceroute utilities use ICMP to discover the network path a
packet takes to its destination. ICMP also returns error messages when a datagram is not processed correctly, whether due to the device not being active on
the network or a problem with the datagram itself. These error messages can also be useful.
The header looks different for each request and reply packet though.
Types of OS Fingerprinting
Active fingerprinting is the process of transmitting packets to a remote host and analysing corresponding replies. This allows the scanner to obtain more
accurate results than a passive scanner and in a shorter amount of time. The traditional approach is to examine the TCP/IP stack behaviour of a targeted
network element when probed with several legitimate packets.
First step of network recon is to determine what machines are active on the network. One popular tool that employs such OS detection methods is Nmap which
not only allows you to detect the operating system running on a remote system, but also perform various types of port-scans.
Nmap OS fingerprinting works on the concept of sending multiple UDP and TCP packets to the target hosts, and then analyzing the reply. During the OS scan
using Nmap tool, the tool will send requests to both open and closed ports to analyze the reply method. This option tells Nmap not to do a port scan after
host discovery, and only print out the available hosts that responded to the scan. This is often known as a “ping scan”. It allows light reconnaissance of
a target network without attracting much attention. Knowing how many hosts are up is more valuable to attackers than the list provided by list scan of
every single IP and host name.
Attempting to detect an operating system with Nmap is as simple as running it with the -O switch. Here is the result of scanning windows machine.
Below is the result of scanning Linux machine.
You can detect the remote operating system, by also using xprobe2.The purpose of the tool is to perform fingerprinting of remote TCP/IP stacks based on
Ofir Arkin's ICMP fingerprinting research. Xprobe2 is an active operating system fingerprinting tool with a different approach to operating system
fingerprinting. Xprobe2 rely on fuzzy signature matching, probabilistic guesses and multiple simultaneously matches and a signature database.
TCP scans are pretty easy to detect for IDS systems. Hence using only the ICMP modules available in xprobe2 is pretty nice for remaining stealth.
Currently, xprobe2 has the following modules:
o icmp_ping: ICMP echo discovery module
o tcp_ping: TCP-based ping discovery module
o udp_ping: UDP-based ping discovery module
o ttl_calc: TCP and UDP based TTL distance calculation
o portscan: TCP and UDP PortScanner
o icmp_echo: ICMP echo request fingerprinting module
o icmp_tstamp: ICMP timestamp request fingerprinting module
o icmp_amask: ICMP address mask request fingerprinting module
o icmp_port_unreach: ICMP port unreachable fingerprinting module
o tcp_hshake: TCP Handshake fingerprinting module
o tcp_rst: TCP RST fingerprinting module
o smb: SMB fingerprinting module
o snmp: SNMPv2c fingerprinting module
For fingerprinting a remote machine, you can just call xprobe2 and give the remote machine IP address or hostname.
Passive fingerprinting is the process of analysing packets from a host on a network. In this case, finger printer acts as a sniffer and doesn't put any
traffic on a network. It is called passive because it doesn’t involve communicating with the host being examined. Based on the sniffer traces of these
packets, you can determine the operating system of the remote host. Passive scanners are generally and inherently less accurate than active scanners, due
to the fact they have less control over the data they are analyzing.
NetworkMiner is a network forensic analysis tool. NetworkMiner can be used as a passive network sniffer and packet capturing tool in order to detect
operating systems, sessions, hostnames, open ports, etc, without putting any traffic on the network.
For OS fingerprinting we have to run NetworkMiner and select the network interface for which the data has to be captured. We can sort hosts by IP address,
MAC address, hostname, Operating System etc. And then click start.
NetworkMiner displays the identified OS for each host in the “Hosts” tab by showing an icon for the OS next to the host in the tree-view. Each host can
also be expanded, which enables the user to see a more detailed analysis of the matching OS fingerprints for that particular host.
OS detection could be performed simply by using a ping and determining the OS of the destination host based off the TTL value returned with the ping
Above are the values for the more popular operating systems.
Result of scanning Linux machine.
From the below shown example of ping you can easily see the TTL value, its 128. That's the default TTL value for Windows.
It is nearly impossible to block all fingerprinting attacks, but we can make it difficult by using several measures. We have to make sure that external
hosts are not able to directly scan internal targets. Active OS fingerprinting can also be solved by use of a firewalls, Intrusion Prevention System.
Banner grabbing should be a bit easier to defend against. The Apache config file allows you to limit the information listed in the header. If we have some
service running and there's an open port, mask or delete the server information when an error triggered.
OS Fingerprinting is a very valuable technique to find out the OS. From an attacker's point of view, OS fingerprinting is very helpful in figuring out what
vulnerabilities the system might have or which exploits may work on a system. There are lot of techniques to do OS fingerprinting, at the same time there
are number of ways to overcome and avoid OS finger printing.